What if you sell your car? Most extended auto warranties are transferable, therefore they can be transferred to the next user if you decide to get rid of your vehicle. This has benefited the car makers greatly - allowing cost reductions related to plant specialization and economies of scale. Before NAFTA each car maker has different factories in each separate country manufacturing select models and car lines. It is important that you note the coolant your car uses. Most cars that were manufactured before 1995 use R12 that are no longer available in the market. As it does not cover the majority of components of a vehicle, the powertrain warranty really is not an extended warranty. car warranty advertised by glrnn beck how long is car warranty good for buy ford warranty They also enable repairs cheap, fast and reliable and few hassles in terms of compensation on the end of the driver or the repair shop. What it means and how it affects you as a consumer and a customer of a Ford dealer? A lot, actually. |